Collect feedback and make great products
Whether you're a startup, a solo developer, an artist, a creator, or just a handful of friends building a great product or creating interesting content, Glee makes it easy to collect, track and manage feedback from your users.
See how it works
Compare the available plans and choose the right one for you. Get started for free, upgrade later.
Ideal for experimenting with Glee and for small side projects.
1 Team Member
Private VisibilityOrganization is only visible to you.
Random Organization CodeA random unique code will be autogenerated for the organization.
Community Support
Perfect for small scale personal projects and hobby apps.
Everything in Free
Unlimited Users
10 Team Members
Public VisibilityChange visibility of the organization so everyone can see it.
Discord IntegrationSend notification to a Discord channel when a feedback is posted.
Slack IntegrationSend notification to a Slack channel when a feedback is posted.
Custom Organization CodeSet custom unique code for the organization.
$5 / mo.
Enhanced features for powering your professional applications.
Everything in Hobby
50 Team Members
Feedback Status
Feedback Categories
GitHub Integration
Custom Subdomain
Coming Soon
Superior features that're most important for your business needs.
Everything in Standard
100 Team Members
Feedback Roadmap
Webhook Integration
Statistics Dashboard
Custom Domain
Coming Soon
When you upgrade your plan, changes are applied immediately. When you downgrade your plan, changes are applied at the end of your current billing cycle. If you've any further questions regarding this, feel free to contact us.
Are you ready for it?
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